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Delegator FAQ

What is the url of the Staking dashboard?。

1. What is the minimum staking amount?

There is no minimum amount for staking, you may start with 1 BTT.

2. How much reward I can earn if I stake to vote?

Please use the calculator here to find out

3. Which wallets are supported?

Only TronLink for now.

4. Is hardware wallet supported?

Yes, it is. You can use the "Connect Hardware Wallet" option on Metamask and connect your hardware wallet, then continue with the authorization process.

5. How to claim my rewards?

Please go to "My Account" - "Voters" page, click "..." on the right side of the voting list, and select "Receive Rewards". For specific operations, please refer to the documentation Claim Rewards.

6. How to withdraw staked BTT?

On the "My Account" - "Voters" page, click "..." on the right side of the voting list and select "Withdraw". For specific operations, please refer to the documentation Withdraw Staked BTT

7. How long does it take to deposit assets to the BitTorrent network?

The BTTC network currently supports cross-chain Ethereum/ TRON/ BSC assets, and it takes 7-8 minutes to deposit assets into the BTTC network.

8. How long does it take to withdraw assets from the BitTorrent network?

After the user initiates the withdrawal operation on the BTTC network, the operation information will be synchronized to the main chain immediately. Depending on the network congestion, this usually takes 45 minutes to 3 hours;

After the withdrawal operation information is synchronized to the main chain, the receiving address also needs to withdraw the assets from the contract of the corresponding chain through a signature. Due to its chain nature, the confirmation time is relatively long.