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Types of Blockchain

Below are several types of blockchains that have emerged so far.

  • Public Blockchain Anyone can read or write transactions to the network, or participate in the consensus process, every transaction is on the public network, and the whole process does not require any permission.
  • Private Blockchain Private blockchains are run and controlled by an organization that decides who can read, write, and participate in the consensus process. Since they are 100% centralized, private blockchains are suitable for sandbox environments and not suitable for production use.
  • Consortium Blockchain (Federated Blockchain) In a consortium chain, the consensus process is handled by a group of people. The rights to read and write may be public or restricted to certain participants. Consortium chains are considered "permissioned blockchains" and are best used by organizations and businesses.


📄 Public vs Private Blockchain: A comprehensive comparison
📖 On Public and Private Blockchain, Vitalik Buterin